Sunday, May 22, 2011

Photography @ The Speed Of Light

These days we have accomplished some amazing things when it comes to photography, videography, and other forms of art via technology. 

I recently got emailed these amazing videos and just knew I had to share them. 

I watch them and am simply amazed at the beauty and awe of God's creation, Enjoy! 


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Inhale, Exhale

Often times we get so caught up in life we fail to stop and simply take a breath. 

I recently saw this interesting sermon on breathing and the name YHWH also known in English as Yahweh. 
The speaker spoke so sovereignly on how each of the letters, YHWH were like breaths when pronounced properly since there are no vowels in the Hebrew language. The speaker then mentioned that we take twenty-six thousand breaths a day and that we were designed to breathe from our stomach's, not our chest. If we were to do just that we would actually be getting an astounding 90% of our energy from our breathing.

This stuck with me and has been a thought I have meditated on for the past couple of weeks.

Interestingly enough a professional photog that I admire recently wrote a blog on forgetting to breathe, again such a captivating idea taken from scripture but in a different light, 
Romans 8:5-6: Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

She added the sentiment saying how she wanted to breathe in life and peace. 

I having been completely engulfed in life's daily activities, have been forgetting to just stop and breathe. So tonight I decided to take a moment and do so while trying to finish up my mile high to-do list and realize that the list is only a list and time and perspective are what matters. 

Tying this back into photography I realized that every moment that I so adore capturing, special or everyday, is a breath; its a moment that we have now to cherish.  

One of the most breath-taking and yet overwhelmingly peaceful moments thus far in my life has been the moment I got to experience is this-- 

Friday, May 6, 2011


This week while working on my website, I began to explore photography websites to read their about me. I had no idea where to begin with mine and after reading and seeing a hefty amount from the photographers I admire, I still didn't know how to express myself in words. 

Not that I am not good with words, I love writing and I especially love talking haha. 

So I decided to hop on fb and look at the latest news and thats when I saw a blog post from one of the photog's I was mentioning and then it clicked. 

Simple words with no explanations for who or why they are. That's me, no explanation needed. 

So as I put together these words I realized that one of the words I love is created. Like breathe and brisk and intricate, this word is and just means so much when you apply it to your life. 

We are created beings. 

So in honor of my love for the creator I want to share a couple of photos from a trip I took to California last May :)

An afternoon cup of tea at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park

Mumm Winery, Napa Vally, Ca